Yes, Janet has called it Fozzie! It's her new FZ1, and she picked it up from Fowlers a week ago today. She has already done over 300 miles on it, and scrubbed the tyres in nicely!

We've enjoyed changing our bikes fairly regularly over the past 10 years or so. We wanted a pair of 1000s this year really, as we are looking toward changes in our lives, in terms of work/life balance, and we have now got a pair of machines that will enable us to cover some distance, as well as providing fun on weekend mornings, and for a long time too. No more new ones for the forseeable future!

We've chosen a good pairing, although they are about as different as a pair of 1000cc DOHC fours (both based on race replica engines) could be. The Honda is a great all rounder, with loads of luggage space. Fozzie (!) is like a BMX bike with a 150bhp rocket up its bum!

But as I say, they already make a great pairing, as our first couple of rides together have shown.